Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How's About a Thousand Dow Points (to the upside)?

Yes we are bullish.
(and yes, it's still a bull market)
From Dragonfly Capital:

A Funny Thing on the Way to a Correction
While everyone has become bearish waiting for an extended pullback in the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 to drag down the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average ($DJIA, $DIA), the Dow has not made a new low yet. Not even a short term new low. It might happen today, or it might not. But either way there are certainly not many that are putting any money behind the AB=CD pattern that has been playing out. Since the October low the Dow has moved to a high at year end and pulled back in early February defining the A, B and C positions leaving the D at 17209.51 around April 30th. 1000 points in 3 weeks seems like a lot, but the time element of the AB=CD pattern is not strict. But are there any catalysts that could move it like that? Hmmm, earnings season starts tonight. What if earnings beat expectations across the board handily?


And yes, we've heard of this "Confirmation Bias" you speak of.