Monday, January 5, 2015

Pray For FT Alphaville's Matthew Klein

It is just horrible when something like this happens.
Seemingly out of the blue but, in hindsight, there were signs.

It appears Mr. Klein's "Looks like duration is back on the menu, boys" did some sort of morganatic mating with his "Fixed income nursery rhymes with Bill Gross" and the resulting dissonance of the dark solstician proto-yule archetype of the subject, dwelling beneath and infusing interstitially the surface frivolity of the tune, reminds us how tenuous the hold each of us have on the construct known as reality.

How can anyone look upon this scene and not weep?

From FT Alphaville:
Whilst strolling on a beach in southern California over the holidays, we were inspired to try our hand at songwriting. (The topic may or may not have been partly inspired by our location.) After toying around with our initial idea for a while we managed to produce a few verses and a refrain. Feel free to suggest additional lyrics in the comments. To the tune of Jingle Bells:
Rolling down the curve
With my Eurodollar strips
Making tons of money
‘til the Fed hikes 50 bps!